Workshop Outline

During the spring 2023 semester, we will offer a series of 60-min bi-weekly sessions to help you identify the steps needed to bring The Data Mine model to life at your university.

Dates: January 25 - March 22

Questions? Email

Session 1: Wed, January 25th

Intro/Workshops overview

  • Workshop schedule & topics

  • Workshop objectives & outcomes

  • Expectations and commitments of the workshops


  • How to get buy-in at your university

  • Identifying your allies & key stakeholders


  • Recruiting

  • Registration

  • Academic Advisors

  • Learning Communities / Housing

Workshop #1 Resources

  • PowerPoint

  • Workshop Recording

Session 2: Wed, February 8th


Seminar is a credit hour course is offered fall and spring to provide students experiential learning (no lectures or exams) with data science tools and large data sets on HPC clusters. Semester one covers R and SQL, semester two covers Python, and sessions three through eight cover advanced topics. View the syllabus and content for semester one.

  • Course Content

  • Experiential learning

  • R, Python, SQL

  • Project Writing

Technical support & Research computing

  • Research computing at your university

  • Student support

  • Anvil

  • Examples Book

Workshop #2 Resources

  • PowerPoint

  • Workshop Recording

Session 3: Wed, February 22nd

Business Partnerships & Recruiting Industry Sponsored Projects

  • How to find potential industry partners

  • Roadmap to the partnership process

  • Building projects

  • Building the right project teams (experience, skills, etc.)

  • Mentor expectations for support

  • Sponsored Research vs. Corporate Partners

  • Feedback & Evaluation

Workshop #3 Resources


For a copy of the workshop recording, please email

Session 4: Wed, March 8th

Corporate Partners: Course Management

  • Agile Project Management

  • Syllabus & Course Structure

  • Communication Platforms

  • TAs

  • Team Building

Workshop #4 Resources


  • Workshop Recording

Session 5: Wed, March 22nd

  • NDAs

  • Sponsor Acknowledgments

  • IP

Feedback & Final Questions

Workshop #5 Resources


*Workshop Recording